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Beginning Reading


Bake the Cake

Beverly McMichael



















Rationale: This lesson will teach students the short vowel sound of a_e=/A/ Students will be learn to spell, read, and recognize the phoneme a_e=/A/. We will use the visual representation of baking a cake. When looking at our visual representation, we will emphasis the long A sound. We will read a decodable book and do a letterbox lesson that focuses on the long vowel a_e=/A/


Materials: image of a cake, cover-up critter, smartboard, letterboxes for each student, letter manipulatives for each child and teacher: s, n, a, k, e, p, l, b, r, c; list of spelling words on poster to read: snake, plane, brake, scrape; decodable text: Jane and Babe, assessment worksheet.



  1. Say: To become an expert reader we need to learn the code that tells us how to pronounce words. We have learned many of our long vowels. We have already learned about the short vowel a and it say a=/a/ like in crab. Today, we are going to learn about the long vowel A. When I see a_e we say the letter A’s name. [Show picture of cake].

  2. Say: Before we learn about the spelling of long A, we need to listen and find it in some words. When I listen for /A/ in words I pretend I am baking a cake and everyone is excited for dessert so we say CAKE! My mouth opens up and I saw /A/. Let me show you: same. I heard A pretending he was baking a cake and I felt my mouth get wide. There is a long A in same. Let’s see if there is long A in long. Hmm, I don’t think I heard the long A. Now you try. If you hear /A/ say “Yummy” if you don’t hear /A/ say “EW.” Is it in off, frame, state, flag?

  3. Say: Now let’s look at the spelling of /A/. You spell /A/ with the letter a and the letter e. What if I want to spell the word name? “I really like your dog’s name.”  To spell name in the letterboxes, first I need to know how many phonemes I have in the word so I need to stretch it out and count: /n/ /a/ /m/. I need 3 boxes. I heard the /A/ just before the /m/ so I am going to put it in the 2rd box. The word starts with /n/, so I need the letter n. Now it gets a little harder so I’m going to say it a little slower /n/ /a/ /m/. I think I hear a long A sound so there is a silent e on the end. So we spell name like this with a silent e and place the e on the outside of the letterbox, /n//a//m/ e.  [Point to the letters in the boxes when I stretch out the word].

  4. Say: Now I’m going to have you spell some words in letterboxes. Let’s start easy with 3 boxes for same. “We have the same shirt on.” What letter should go in the first box? [Respond to answer]. What goes in the second box? I’ll check your spelling while I walk around the room. [Observe progress]. You will need four letterboxes for the next word. Listen for the beginning sound of the letter that goes in the first box. Then listen for /A/. Here is the word snake, “That snake was so scary.” Watch how I spell it in my letterboxes on the board: s-n-a-k-e and see if you’ve spelled it the same way. Now lets try a word with four boxes: plane; a vehicle that flies in the air. Lets do one more word with four phonemes: brake; how you stop a car. We spell it with the long A. One more than we’re done with spelling, and you will need five boxes: scrape; “Scrape the last bit of food off your plate.” Remember to stretch it out to get this tricky word.

  5. Say: Now I am going to let you read the words you’ve spelled, but first I am going to show you how to read a hard word. [Show the word scrape and model reading the word]. There is long A. It must say /A/. I am going to use a cover up to get the first part of the word. [Uncover and blend the letters before the vowel, then blend with the vowel]. /s//c/=/sc/+/r/=/scr/. Now lets blend those letters with our vowel. Now all I have left is the end, /ng/=ng. Strong; that it! Now it’s your turn, everybody let’s try together. [Children will read together and then after I will call on students individually to read a word from the list].

  6. Say: You have done a really good job today. Now we are going to read a book called Jane and Babe. This is a story about a zookeeper, named Jane, and a lion, named Babe. It’s time for Babe to eat dinner but Babe is asleep. How is Jane going to wake up Babe? Lets find out if Jane can wake Babe up to get dinner. [Students will get with their partner and alternate reading a page out loud while teacher comes around the room. When partner reading is over we will read the book aloud as a class].

  7. Say: That was a fun story we read! Did Babe get his dinner? Yes, that’s right. Now I want to see if you can identify the long A sound from a picture. Look at the picture and write the word of what the picture represents. At the end, look over your pictures to see if all the words fit. [Collect worksheets and check answers later]





Assessment worksheet:


Murray, G. Oh, I didn’t know!


Cushman, Sheila and Kornblum, Rona. Jane and Babe. 1990.


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